Coincidence of the life line with the line of Ideal — is happiness...
L. Tolstoy
The "Ideal" Company Mission — serving the society as a first-rate Russian manufacturer of high-quality construction finishing materials of mass consumption, unceasingly improving technologies, surpassingly developing products and self-perfecting on the way to Ideal.
GC "Ideal"
is a leading market-oriented, high-tech Russian company with full-cycle of plastic materials production for interior decoration, starting with Design Office and Design Department to industrial production of high quality products and advanced distribution system.
European Quality – Russian Prices
Our production corresponds to the international quality standards and successfully competes with the world’s leading brands.High quality materials in manufacturing make our products fire-, electro-, ecologically safe and durable.
Classical style and a wide range of color palette ensure a harmonious use of our products in the decoration of any interior, whereas reasonable design promotes easy and simple installation of items.
We are one of the few Russian companies able to realize mass production by offering both high quality and reasonable prices.
Your ideal partner
We are called "the first price company", which means that we create "weather" in the market. Logistically checked and structurally built production-marketing cycle and intelligent distribution policy provide a steady growth and geographic expansion of sales.